Kubernetes - the API for the modern data-center! At least why I find it so exciting.
- Kubernetes: Main Kubernetes page. Docs are fairly good and in depth.
- Kubernetes Production Check List: Good list of best practices when running kubernetes in production
- Ambassador K8S Initializer: Opinionated monitoring/Gitops stack generator.
- 47 Things To Become a Kubernetes Expert - Really good detailed items for k8s foundational work
- 100 Days of Kubernetes - Source
- Why you should build on Kubernetes from day one
- Beginners Guide to Kubernetes
- CRI: Container Runtimes
- CNI: Network Plugins
- CNI Comparison services that are potentially needed with running kuberntes in production. I don’t run the full production runtime, but I have used a majority of these services successfully.
- CSI: Storage Plugins
- ServiceMesh
- Istio: The granddaddy of ServiceMesh - but not a full CNCF project…
- OpenServiceMesh - CNCF Sandbox Project, leveraging Envoy to implemment the ServiceMesh Interface
- Gloo API gateway that supports several ServiceMesh technologies
- Kustomize
- FluxCD
- ArgoCD
- Deploy Docker Register in K8S
- Kubernetes Anti-Patterns,k8s Anti-Patterns #2, and k8s Anti-Patterns #3
- Container Structure Test: Simple testing framework for Docker containers
- Draft: Quickly “draft” out Dockerfile/Kubernetes manifests in a development repo.
- Dive: Analyze Docker image layers
- Docker Best Practices
- Filebrowser as a sidecar: Interesting idea to allow for easy edits on files within a container
- Hadolint: Linter for Docker Files
- Kubernetes API with Curl
- Kubernetes YAML Validation Tools
- KUTTL: Kubernetes Test TooL. A declaritive testing framework.
- MinT(oolkit): Tool for minimizing and scanning Docker containers
- Reduce 502 errors by caring about PID-1 in Kubernetes
- Clair: Container security analysis
- Kyverno: Native k8s Policy Management
- Kubescape
- Rate Limited with Nginx-Ingress Controller
- KubeCampus: Kubernetes training
- Kubie
- KubeShark: Wireshark/TCPDump for Kubernetes
- k9s
- node-shell
Alternative Perspective
- De-cloud and de-k8s — bringing our apps back home
Personally I’m more in line with a lot of the comments on hackernews. They replicated a lot of Kubernetes architecture to build their own, which introduces this custom bespoke container orchestration and infra buildout system. Most enjoyable was this comment, quoted below:
We are talking about 37Signals here. This is the company that, when faced with the problem of making a shared to-do list application, created Ruby on Rails. And when they decided to write up their remote working policy, published a New York Times bestselling business book.
This is not a company that merely shaves its Yaks. It offers a full menu of Yak barber services, and then launches a line of successful Yak grooming products.