Weather Station Overview
The goal is to build an Internet connection weather station. Besides the standard tempurature, pressure, and humidity it should also collect snowfall information (the trickiest part of the project)
As of 12-31-2019, the equipment list of items being used:
- An Onion Omega2+ The board is fairly powerful from an embedded standpoint, and has built-in Wifi connectivity. It’s very well that just an Onion Omega2 would probably have plenty of space
- An Onion Arduino Dock: The other parts of the Weatherstation kit are Arduino base, so using this dock makes sense. Can operate on 3.3V, which I’m planning to leverage.
- A Sparkfun Weathershield: Slightly pricy, but has the appropriate hookups
for rain and wind sensors.
- Above is the modern verion of the shield, but I own the discontinued version based on the HTU21D. Instructions will probably need some modification to use with the newer shield, but hopefully I can make it generic enough for both.
- Sparkfun Weather Sensors: Pre-build weather sensors for the Weathershield. Also a bit pricy, but I already have (a birthday present from my wife…and I *really- need to use it!)
Current architecture. Trying to leverage a Microservice architecture for custom code, versus extending external projects.
- Source Data
- Weathershield Arduino Library/Sample Code: Includes code for both the newer and older versions of the Sparkfun Weathershield board. Specifically I’ll plan to use a variation of the HTU12D Weather Station Code as it uses the same output as the V12 Weather Station Code
- Some Custom Python/Go/other that will pull data from weather station and publish on MQTT queue.
- Custom code will also provide a prometheus endpoint with the last collected metrics
- Expected MQTT Message Format
- Core: WeeWX: An open source core that supports a *lot- of hardware and aggrator targets such as Wunderground.
- WeeWX MQTT: The only addon outside the core.
- Other
- Prometheus/Grafana: Hosted outside of Omega2. Would like some local dashboarding as well, although will be secondary to Wunderground/other aggregator
- Pull Prometheus metrics directly for custom code collector on Omega2
- Potential alternative is an adapter that reads messages from MQTT and provides scrape endpoint.
- Reference (not directly used at the moment)
- Arduino-PWS: Potential inspiration to hook up WeeWX to the Arudino/Weathershild. Ideally would run on the Onion Omega2 directly.