Overall goal is to provide an build a framework for perserving information for future generations.
Starting as a 100 day project.
Start: Feb 18th, 2024 End: May 28, 2024 Standards Data Format Test: ASCII Images: JPEG Storage (data/metadata) Text: Git Images: Plain Objects, sorted by general date/topic in directories. Potentially use exiftool Backup Broad concept is that backups are still readable if directly accessed, to the best of our abilities
The goal is to build an Internet connection weather station. Besides the standard tempurature, pressure, and humidity it should also collect snowfall information (the trickiest part of the project)
Equipment As of 12-31-2019, the equipment list of items being used:
An Onion Omega2+ The board is fairly powerful from an embedded standpoint, and has built-in Wifi connectivity. It’s very well that just an Onion Omega2 would probably have plenty of space An Onion Arduino Dock: The other parts of the Weatherstation kit are Arduino base, so using this dock makes sense.
Modify a dog feeder to dispense food based on a known schedule and RFID tags put on the collar of each dog. Still in the early planning stages, it will hopefully help keep our dogs well fed, but also provide lots of data for analysis!
Active Preserving Data: Project to preserve information for future generations. Archive Moo Machine: An Altair 8800 style machine designed to implement the “COW” programming language. Weather Station: A weather station that can track all the usual metrics, plus snowfall! RFID Dog Feeder: Modify a dog feeder to dispense food based on a known schedule and RFID tags put on the collar of each dog.
An Altair 8800 style machine designed to implement the “COW” programming language. It’s a really simplistic language, but is technically Turing complete. The machine itself is powered by a Arduino Mega (more for the IO pins then the actual processor)
Original Project Homepage A copy of that content is below:
Moo Machine: Experience the First Microcomputer Interface.
Description: Toggle switches and LEDs were the interface for the first personal microcomputer, the Altair 8800.